In order to effectively train its employees in the dangers and evacuation procedures in the event of fire ,Natixis wanted to equip itself with a rich and interactive training solution, a vector of engagement and memorization.
To achieve this, Audace Digital Learning developed an e-learning application accessible on tablets, featuring augmented reality animations.
The concept is simple: the user navigates through a corridor in their workplace. Equipped with their tablet, they are invited to scan the images that appear to them (on the walls of the facility). Overlaying the real world, images or information then appear, questions, video animations, as well as real-time 3D simulations, such as a trash bin fire. Their response to the simulated event (e.g., the appearance of a thick cloud of smoke) triggers the display of tools necessary for their training: videos, documentation, etc. During this immersive experience, they are also required to identify risk factors.
The immersive nature of the training provides a high level of realism, which facilitates learning: the user can familiarize themselves with the correct actions and reflexes to adopt in the event of a fire within their actual work environment. They thus feel more engaged and can, at any time, revisit certain stages of their training if needed.
The advantage of this solution is also that it can be customized for each of the Group’s facilities and is accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.
500 employees per month are thus trained using this tool.
Cet outil a été développé avec la technologie Google ARCore. Développement chez Natixis, en une du site
Ce qu'en pensent les collaborateurs de Natixis
« Le réalisme de l’animation est frappant, on retrouve la situation réelle en cas de sinistre. »
« La formation est bien plus captivante, on se sent bien plus concerné qu’une formation classique. »
« J’ai pu le faire quand je voulais. »
« C’est ludique et innovant, cela nous permet d’être acteur de notre propre formation et d’apprendre plus vite. »