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Onco Aura – Serious game “Immunopolis”

Onco Aura, the regional cancer network of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, wanted to transform one of its patient therapeutic education tools (a card game) into a digital Serious Game.


This solution aims to inform and educate the patient, empowering them to take an active role in their treatment and health. Specifically:

  • Understanding immunotherapy treatment.
  • Identifying the side effects of immunotherapy.
  • Knowing how to assess and report the occurrence of adverse effects.
  • Acquiring knowledge and skills to better cope with bodily reactions and avoid feeling helpless.
  • Being an active participant in one’s healthcare journey by understanding the various medical tests and treatments involved.

The format was chosen for its playful and practical aspects. With this digital tool, home healthcare teams benefit from a dematerialized training device that can be used directly at the patient’s home.


Healthcare professionals in private practice and patients.


Patients are invited to explore the intricacies of the human body. They discover the functions of each organ to better understand it and gain insights into potential side effects related to their treatment, their recognition, and their management. With this Serious Game, patients and healthcare professionals can engage in interactive discussions and share their thoughts using a fun tool accessible on tablets or PCs.


Serious Game on tablet.

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