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E-learning Module “Noise-Related Risks”

E-learning "Noise-Related Risks"

Objectives of the digital training

Exposure to noise can cause auditory fatigue, leading to temporary hearing loss. If this exposure is intense, particularly above 80 dBA, the hearing loss can become permanent.

This module helps you understand noise levels and the associated risks. It allows you to test various sounds and discover at which frequencies they become hazardous to hearing. As a result, learners will be better equipped to protect themselves, for instance, by selecting the appropriate protective equipment.


  • Introduction: Impact of Noise on Auditory Health
  • Auditory Perception
  • Noise accumulation
  • Noise attenuation
  • Noise safety
  • Consequences of noise
  • Evaluation
  • Current regulations in force

E-learning Training Pack Safety Noise-Related Risks Module

half a day

Training location:
in a classroom or at a dedicated workstation, complemented by field practice

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