CPIAS Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Serious game “IControl”


Serious Game dedicated to standard precautions during the healthcare journey:

The actions and behaviors of all individuals surrounding the patient can potentially pose a risk of contamination (hands, attire, respiration, and biological fluids). The Serious Game “I-Control” is designed to raise awareness and provide training to both healthcare professionals and the general public on best practices to prevent healthcare-associated infections. Immidiate launch.

Realized in collaboration with and for the CPIAS Nouvelle Aquitaine.

Discover the project in a video.

ATMO Haut-de-France – Serious game “Deviens un ex’pair”


Fun and educational serious game offered by Atmo, an air quality monitoring association, for children aged 8-15 to raise awareness about air pollution. Different stages to discover through this “serious game”:

  • What is air and air pollution?
  • Where do pollutants come from?
  • What are the consequences on health and the environment?
  • What are the good practices to adopt? How can one get informed?


Raise awareness among young people about the risks of air pollution and the good practices to adopt.

Discover the project in a video.

EDF Nucléaire – Serious game with digital twin

EDF develops digital training programs that allow immersion in nuclear environments and provide training on the identification and use of equipment and technologies. These programs are designed to interest and motivate EDF employees, enabling them to practice protocol repetition, learn proper procedures, and validate their ability to work under conditions that closely resemble real interventions.


Audace Digital Learning has designed a Serious Game featuring a hyper-realistic reconstructed environment.

Real-time technology allows for faithful reconstruction of object/learner interactions. The choice of a subjective camera perspective (through the player’s eyes) enhances the sense of immersion.


Learning the technical operations for production staff.


Production personnel

Discover the project in a video.

ArcelorMittal – Industrial simulator “Coupling”


Creation of an industrial training simulator for the supervision and operation of a strip accumulator. Physical workstation with controls, recreated and interfaced.


Production personnel.


Mastering the supervision and operation of machines through various scenarios:

  • Job orientation,
  • Operation of operation and adjustments,
  • Replacement of worn parts,
  • Autonomous maintenance,
  • Fault analysis and troubleshooting interventions.

Naval Group – Serious Game “Cybersécurity”

Our society is becoming increasingly digital, taking advantage of the opportunities associated with the use of new technologies. The flip side of the coin is the rise of cybercrime. Indeed, cyberattacks are becoming more numerous and targeting businesses of all types.

As the European leader in defense naval systems, Naval Group represents a strategic target for cyberattacks. After developing internal awareness tools, Naval Group decided to implement a playful and educational digital training solution in the form of a Serious Game.


  • Raising awareness about best practices in cybersecurity.
  • Enhance the training of its employees and service providers on the principles and challenges of cybersecurity.
  • Offering an attractive platform that facilitates communication with young graduates.


  • Employees and contractors of Naval Group.
  • Young graduates.


The player plays Sacha, a spy, who tries to infiltrate the company Satgam Corp to find plans for their technologies… All lines of defense must be tested: antivirus, firewall, etc. The objective of the mission is to verify that Naval Group personnel are up to the strategic challenges they are involved in.


Accessible on PC.

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Orano Serious Game – “New Employee Journey”


At the request of Orano, Audace Digital Learning designed a serious game for new contractors and employees whose tasks involve interventions in nuclear power plants.

Through a 3D simulation, new employees experience the various stages of a journey within a nuclear power plant and must adhere to safety rules.


Providing new employees with all the necessary information to work on a production site.


The ACCUEIL Serious Game is used in blended learning as a pedagogical tool by the expert trainer to guide new employees through the on-site induction process, specific rules and equipment, on-site procedures, and fostering a culture of shared vigilance.

It is delivered on tablets. A secure case is used to transport and recharge the 2 tablets required for each session.


The player acts as a puppeteer: the learner controls a character through a simple Point-and-Click interface and must make decisions and react to the situations they encounter.

By seeking realism, we enable new employees to immerse themselves and engage in the story they are observing. They become active participants in their training!

Discover the project in a video.

Arcelor Mittal – “Serious game RHOB2”


ArcelorMittal was opening a new production unit dedicated to steel processing. The investment required a swift implementation after the completion of the construction. The goal was to train the personnel on their future work environment and tools prior to the actual launch.

This hyper-realistic simulation Serious Game (designed based on building plans) incorporates all efficiency criteria: topography and navigation in the future site, operation of tools and processes, first-level intervention, equipment control, adherence to standards, protocols, and safety.


Training the personnel on their future work environment and tools prior to the launch of a new production unit.


Intended for training purposes :

  • For new entrants within the company
  • For personnel undergoing career transition
  • For skill recycling or skills retraining

Discover the project in a video.

A.Qua.VieS Association Serious Game – “Detect Me If You Can”

Extremely solicited to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of healthcare professionals is being severely tested. This exceptional crisis situation, coupled with an already stressful workload, has greatly increased the risks of burnout (Healthcare Professional Burnout Syndrome – SEPS).

At the initiative and under the scientific supervision of A.Qua.VieS (Association for Healthcare Professionals’ Quality of Life), Audace Digital Learning has developed a serious game that is currently being commercialized. This game enables healthcare professionals and their supervisors to recognize and better anticipate burnout.

Burnout or SEPS is characterized by feelings of intense fatigue, loss of control, and an inability to achieve concrete results at work. In early 2020, the National Public Health Agency (ANSP) entrusted the A.Qua.VieS association with the mission of assessing the risk of burnout in hospital settings. The association has chosen the serious game “Detect Me If You Can!” developed by Audace Digital Learning, which addresses the challenges of the Observatory for the Quality of Work Life of healthcare professionals.

Between the theoretical and practical components, this online training enables healthcare professionals and their supervisors to acquire sufficient knowledge about healthcare professional burnout (or burnout syndrome) in order to better prevent it.


  • To be able to define the causes of healthcare professional burnout (SEPS).
  • To be able to identify a person suffering from healthcare professional burnout (SEPS).
  • To be able to apply one’s knowledge in the context of case studies related to healthcare professional burnout (SEPS).
  • To be able to modify one’s organization to prevent cases of healthcare professional burnout (SEPS).
  • To be able to self-assess one’s knowledge and practices with the aim of operational implementation in one’s healthcare facility.


Chapter 1: Introduction (context, definition of SEPS, some statistics)
Chapter 2: Recognizing SEPS
Chapter 3: Causes of SEPS
Chapter 4: Managing SEPS
Chapter 5: Preventing SEPS
Chapter 6 (designed for managers): Proximity Management (collective and institutional prevention, project approach, training, meeting spaces)
Chapter 7: Conclusion (summary, resources)

Discover the project in a video.

Orano Serious Game – “Risk Prevention”


You can never be too cautious!

Designed for personnel working in nuclear sites, the latest Serious Game developed for Orano aims to significantly enhance risk prevention. In order to strengthen learners’ engagement and also to surprise them by taking them out of their comfort zone, which is the familiar universe they know (sometimes too well!), the approach chosen was to shift the training. The scenario was thus inspired by the TV series “Lost”.


A plane crashes on a deserted island, and upon waking up, the player finds themselves alone. However, they can communicate with a correspondent via radio. This correspondent will guide the player to survive. To achieve this, the player will have to perform a series of maneuvers, each addressing a specific risk associated with the reality of nuclear agents’ terrain.

Montpellier Supagro – “Down by the sea”

As part of the master’s program at the University of Montpellier, students must apply their knowledge in a multi-stakeholder fisheries management simulation. “Down by the Sea” is a serious game in environmental economics developed by Audace for the Montpellier SupAgro Institute., under the guidance of the University of Montpellier. It allows students to better understand the issues related to reconciling economics and natural resource management, a subject at the core of social sciences teachings worldwide. Serious game developed in English.


Each player represents a fisherman around a lake. The lake contains a given stock of fish that replenishes from one round to another based on the remaining stock at the end of the previous round.

To win the game, the player(s) must successfully manage resources and generate profit based on objectives imposed in each round. To achieve this, they must analyze and manage the appropriate individual and collective actions in response to the constraints posed by the resource.

On the other hand, the trainer, who plays the role of regulator, has the ability to freely weigh and configure the game sessions. They can implement taxes or quotas, introduce shocks, or provide information about the risks of resource degradation, among other things.

At the end, players are evaluated based on their individual and collective performances.

This serious game complements face-to-face training. In this regard, it allows:

  • Illustrating classical phenomena and socio-economic mechanisms.
  • Raising essential questions in environmental economics.
  • Facilitating the teaching of basic concepts in economics and other disciplines such as sociology, political science, law, geography, agronomy, ecology, hydrology, biology, etc.
  • Familiarizing oneself with the social issues underlying the studied systems.

Pedagogical Objectives

Be able to manage a fishery taking into account the economic criteria of resource management and competition between stakeholders in the industry.


Students from Montpellier SupAgro and the University of Montpellier.


While walking in a fishing port, you catch sight of a boat in the distance. The smell of the sea breeze, the seagulls, and the sound of the waves bring back memories and awaken a deep-seated calling within you. Since you were a child, you have always preferred the fish section over the toy aisle. You decide to leave your job and finally embark on a career as a fisherman!

You join Fish and Chill, a maritime cooperative responsible for the operation of the northern sector of the Puragos Sea. Soon, a competition is launched among the various cooperatives: who will generate the most profit? But be careful ! It is also important to manage fish stocks properly to avoid running out in the future!

Initially, you will need to understand the environment and learn how to manage fishery resources. To assist you, you have a computer that provides real-time information on resources and how to exploit them optimally. Additionally, you have a fishing boat that will enable you to generate income. As you progress, different buildings will open, such as a store that offers new items. Don’t miss out on its exceptional offers to improve your equipment!


Multiplayer collaborative game supervised by an expert instructor.

Students control a configuration interface, can visit different premises and facilities at the port, make investments, and manage their operations.

The serious game has numerous settings and configuration options. Successive actions, alliances, and strategic choices modify the performance of fish resource management.


  • Up to 100 players, grouped in teams of 10, can compete in this game of individual and collective strategy.
  • Each round is based on increasingly elaborate gameplay mechanics.
  • An algorithm developed by Audace is used to simulate the real impacts of actions, decisions, and interactions among players on the evolution of natural resources.
  • The game has been fully developed in English to facilitate its dissemination. Eventually, it is expected to be deployed in other French and foreign universities.

To learn more

Gwenolé Le Velly
Associate Professor, Montpellier SupAgro
UMR CEE-M, Building 26 – Office 421
Phone: +33 4 99 61 23 05