Florence Module – Blood transfusion

elearning santé

Serious Game or off-the-shelf E-learning

19€ HT per learner


The success of a blood transfusion requires the strictest adherence to the protocol by the healthcare personnel. Theoretical knowledge and mastery of techniques is essential.

The serious game “Blood Transfusion” puts this learning into practice by offering an immersive experience in the heart of a blood transfusion, faithfully representing the reality of the healthcare world. Understanding the steps of the protocol, reacting to a life-threatening emergency transfusion, and adhering to hygiene rules… the blood transfusion protocol holds no secrets when you master this serious game!

EFS module “Transfusion procedure and controls” (EF02)

elearning santé efs


Commercialized by Audace Digital Learning for Campus EFS, the e-learning training on blood transfusion “The Transfusion Process and its Controls” (reference EF02) is primarily intended for nurses, specialized nurses, healthcare managers, and midwives.

Performing a blood transfusion requires mastering the 5 stages of the process and their critical points:

  • Request for labile blood products following a medical prescription
  • Request for immuno-hematology tests in preparation for a transfusion
  • Receipt of labile blood products
  • Performance of the transfusion procedure
  • Traceability and management of documents related to the transfusion procedure

Each of these steps is detailed within this module, accompanied by interactive case studies. This device meets the requirement of criterion 8j of the HAS certification v2010, January 2014 version.

The objective of this e-learning training offered by Campus EFS is to:

  • To understand the entire transfusion process, from the prescription of immunohematology tests for blood products transfusion to the actual execution of the transfusion procedure.
  • To reduce the risk of errors during the transfusion process by gaining a better understanding of critical points.

97% of learners* highly satisfied with this training!

“It’s really fun and practical!”

“Good pedagogy, with a mix of informative content to read and clinical scenarios that make the training less monotonous. Pleasant graphics and reading experience.”

“Clear and well-structured content, a playful method that captures the theme of transfusion practice and its controls effectively.”

“The realistic scenarios and dialogues are well done and get to the point. The interactions between the characters, as well as the regular evaluations, help maintain our focus. We don’t feel overwhelmed by an overload of information…”

*Based on a survey conducted among 1179 learners.

EFS module “Operating procedures for an emergency and/or relay blood depot” (EF04)

elearning santé efs


Marketplace by Audace Digital Learning for Campus EFS, the e-learning training on blood transfusion “Emergency and/or Relay Blood Bank Operating Procedures” (reference EF04) is primarily aimed at professionals working in emergency and/or relay blood banks (biology degree), nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians.

This e-learning training is designed to familiarize participants with the operating procedures of an emergency and/or relay blood bank, in accordance with regulatory requirements (decree of December 16, 2008). The goal is to enable participants to deliver blood products in emergency situations and/or transfer them to healthcare units.


  • Regulatory foundations
  • Operating procedures of a depot
  • Equipment for the storage, thawing, and transportation of blood products
  • Storage conditions for blood products
  • Minimum knowledge in immuno-hematology
  • Best practices for the dispensing of blood products
  • Procedures for traceability in the blood bank
  • Quality monitoring and management of malfunctions

EFS module “Good transport practices” (EF06)

elearning santé efs

Safe transportation is necessary and essential when it comes to PSL or samples derived from human blood. In compliance with the decree of April 4, 2002, and the decision of July 10, 2018, defining the principles of good practices for the transportation of PSL, this module meets the minimum training requirements for personnel involved in the transportation of PSL.

Concerned professions

  • Nursing assistants/hospital agents and transport agents from healthcare facilities responsible for the transportation of PSL and internal and external biological samples.
  • Drivers/transporters from service provider companies responsible for the transportation of PSL and biological samples.


  • Generalities about blood and its components
  • Introduction to Different Types of Blood Products and Biological Samples
  • Regulations on Good Transportation Practices
  • Requirements for temperature maintenance, constraints related to different modes of transportation, materials and equipment used, and authorized vehicles for transportation
  • Circuits and related documents for transportation
  • Rules of hygiene and safety related to transportation
  • Risks associated with products and recommended actions to take
  • Requirements related to emergency situations

An exclusive training by Audace Digital Learning!

EFS module “Guarantee the reliability of immunohematological test results” (EF07)

elearning santé efs


The training course “Improving Practices in Immunohematology Analysis” is specifically designed for laboratory technicians and medical biologists. It is marketed by Audace for Campus EFS as part of a series of 7 training courses focused on blood transfusion.

This e-learning course aims to ensure the reliability of immuno-hematology analysis results by:

  • Safely implementing relevant and adapted identity verification controls during the pre-analytical phase,
  • Adopting a consistent attitude in accordance with the rules of good laboratory practices in immuno-hematology when encountering an anomaly during the execution of an analysis.

In this training module, the learner enhances their knowledge in erythrocyte immuno-hematology, with support from current regulations, and performs common immuno-hematology analyses in the medical biology laboratory. A comprehensive training that covers all the steps of immuno-hematology.

The content of this e-learning course complies with regulatory provisions (Good Practice in Blood Transfusion).

  • Pre-analytical phase in immuno-hematology.
  • Analytical phase: Perform immuno-hematology analyses.
  • ABO grouping RH1, Rh and Kell phenotyping.
  • Detection of anti-erythrocyte antibodies, direct antiglobulin test.
  • Post-analytical step: validation of results.

A multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ) assessment is conducted at the beginning of the learning process. Each knowledge module is also assessed. The learner must achieve 100% correct answers on the final evaluation quiz.

EF08: Production Chain of Labile Blood Products (PSL) & Transfusion Safety (30 minutes)

Designed with the support of doctors and healthcare managers who are experts in blood transfusion. This training allows you to understand, through each step of the transfusion chain, the measures implemented to ensure the safe production of blood components tailored to needs. The learner will be trained in blood donation, the production of blood components (QBD and preparation of blood components), and the distribution of blood components. The implementation period extends over a duration of 2 months.

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EFS Training: Transfusion Safety and Characteristics of Blood Products (EF09)

elearning santé efs


Designed by expert doctors from Campus EFS in collaboration with healthcare managers, this e-learning course allows you to acquire the fundamental principles of Blood Products (PSL) in just 30 minutes. This module is particularly efficient and is based on the latest findings in neuroscience. The objective for the learner is to be able to recognize and master the Labile Blood Products as defined in the regulation of April 2019.

Indeed, the list of Labile Blood Products and their characteristics defined in 2010 has been updated, including the following aspects:

  • The complete overhaul and restructuring of the Labile Blood Products sections, including a reduction to 5 sections instead of 8.
  • The classification of Labile Blood Products according to their frequency of use and specific sections for rarer PSL, allowing for quick access to the most useful information for users of Labile Blood Products.
  • Examples of significant updates include the expiration period of Platelet Concentrates (PC) being extended from 5 days to 7 days. Another example is that all Platelet Concentrates (PC) now undergo pathogen inactivation treatment using amotosalen, which contributes to the improvement of infectious safety in transfusions.

The modifications brought about by this new regulation are not drastic. However, they are important and essential for users of PSL and patient safety.

In short, this new e-learning module is a comprehensive, highly didactic, and simplified tool that allows you to understand everything in just 30 minutes.

EFS Training “Main Indications of PSL” (EF12)

elearning santé efs

Commercialized by Audace Digital Learning for Campus EFS, this e-learning course focused on PSL (Labile Blood Products) is intended for all healthcare professionals involved in the transfusion chain.

This e-learning course allows prescribers to understand the transfusion indications for the three main PSL (Red Blood Cells, Platelet Concentrates, and Fresh Frozen Plasma) in three clinical contexts referenced by the Haute Autorité de Santé (French National Authority for Health): surgery (anesthesia, intensive care, emergency), medicine (hematology, oncology), and neonatology. At the end of an interactive learning journey, built on the principles of neuro-pedagogy, the learner is able to specify, for each of them, their transfusion indications as well as their specificities. In short, this training course is a logical continuation of the EF09 module “Transfusion Safety and Characteristics of PSL” (30 minutes), providing further knowledge and understanding in the field of transfusion medicine.


To understand the transfusion indicators of the three main PSL (Labile Blood Products) in three specific clinical contexts identified by the Haute Autorité de Santé (French National Authority for Health).

Concerned professions

Targeted at all individuals involved in the transfusion chain, regardless of their role or profession.


  • Introduction
  • The regulatory framework
  • Surgery & prescription of PSL
  • Medicine & prescription of PSL
  • Neonatology & prescription of PSL

Florence fire safety

elearning santé

Serious Game E-learning

9€ per learner excluding taxes


A training program to progress faster than the fire!

Should healthcare personnel within a healthcare facility know how to respond if a fire breaks out in a department? Should they run for their lives or assist their colleagues and patients?

Our serious game “Fire Safety” offers the opportunity to discover, assimilate, and put into practice the fundamental principles and attitudes to adopt regarding fire safety. This training program, consisting of an e-learning module, a quiz, and a serious game, is designed to accelerate progress faster than a fire!