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A serious game to prevent burn-out

Preventing burnout is an essential component of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In the current context where the mental health of healthcare professionals is under severe strain, the risks of burnout or Caregiver Professional Burnout Syndrome (SEPS) have increased considerably. To respond to this critical situation, the A.Qua.VieS association (Association for the Quality of Life of Caregivers) took the initiative of developing a serious game in collaboration with Audace Digital Learning. This serious game is designed to help caregivers and their supervisors recognize and anticipate the signs of SEPS.

Burnout manifests itself as intense fatigue, a feeling of loss of control and an inability to achieve concrete results at work. At the beginning of 2020, the National Public Health Agency (ANSP) entrusted A.Qua.VieS with the mission of assessing the risk of SEPS in hospitals. In response, the association chose to have Audace develop, under its scientific control, a serious game “Detect me if you can!” », aligned with the objectives of the Observatory of the quality of life at work for health professionals.

This online training program, combining theory and practice, aims to equip caregivers and their supervisors with the necessary knowledge about SEPS to better prevent it. Specific objectives include the ability to define the causes of SEPS, identify a person suffering from this syndrome, apply this knowledge in case studies, modify the organization to avoid cases of SEPS, and self -evaluate your knowledge and practices for operational implementation.

This initiative is fully in line with CSR efforts to promote a healthy and supportive work environment, particularly in sectors as sensitive as health.

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