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Marketing digital training: Generating enthusiasm

Marketing digital training in advance of the system is essential to generate engagement, motivation and enthusiasm among learners, which leads to a more successful learning experience and more positive results. This is why Audace offers a support strategy to maximize the benefits of your training.

Why training marketing?

Marketing digital training upstream of the system allows you to capture the attention of potential learners before they even start the training. A well-designed marketing campaign inspires them to learn more and explore what training has to offer.

Then, it helps to motivate learners. Motivation is a key factor for learning success. By highlighting the benefits and skills they will gain through training, marketing can boost learners’ intrinsic motivation and encourage them to actively engage in the process.

In addition, marketing before the training helps reduce the dropout rate. One of the major challenges of online training is dropping out along the way. A well-planned marketing strategy helps reduce this rate by preparing learners for what awaits them and building their engagement from the start.

Marketing also allows you to personalize the experience. By presenting training in a way that resonates with learners’ individual needs, it creates personal interest. By highlighting specific benefits for the learner’s career, it makes the training more relevant and attractive.

In addition, marketing creates positive anticipation around the training. This results in a more favorable attitude when starting the course, which promotes a positive start.

To do this, Audace has put in place an effective system which of course adapts to specific contexts.

All the creations that follow are inspired by the serious game “Sasha” designed for Naval on the theme of cybersecurity.

Phase 1: An appetizer

It all begins with a carefully orchestrated appetizer, comparable to a suspenseful prelude. A pre-launch video aims to pique the curiosity of potential learners by partially revealing what is to come. A mere taste is revealed, fueling a sense of intrigue that compels one to find out more.

This first note of mystery aims to pique learners’ curiosity and arouse their interest, laying the foundations for what follows.

Phase 2: Concrete Overview to Arouse Interest

The curtain rises on the second stage where the focus is on deeper discovery. Through an elaborate trailer, future learners are offered a concrete exploration of the training to come. This trailer highlights the themes and educational objectives addressed through a synopsis, a common thread. The goal is to provide learners with an understanding of what to expect and engage them with engaging content.

Phase 3: Engagement through intrinsic motivation (or the highlight!)

We know that a motivated learner is more inclined to actively invest in their learning and to retain the knowledge acquired. Thus, the next step in our approach aims to arouse the intrinsic interest of operators, thus encouraging them to actively participate in the learning process.

The third stage therefore aims to enlighten operators on the tangible advantages of the learning system. This phase involves direct communication, through channels such as newsletters or emails. The aim is to present the specific skills that operators can acquire through training. The emphasis is placed on the direct relevance of the training for their professional development.

For further ?

Learner testimonials: To reinforce the appeal of the training, nothing beats testimonials from employees who have already benefited from the module or similar training. Published on the intranet or in a newsletter, these personal stories add a human and credible touch to the campaign. Learners can then identify with the successes of other colleagues, strengthening their confidence in the potential of the training.

Continued engagement through the training platform: To maintain engagement, interaction with questions and comments can be done both through the training platform forum. This approach creates an engaged learning community that can interact and share information seamlessly. This enhances the learning experience by creating a space where learners can discuss, ask questions and exchange ideas, contributing to a collaborative and engaging learning environment.

Rewards to boost participation: To reinforce motivation and reward participation, personalized goodies can be designed. These concrete rewards reinforce the feeling of accomplishment and belonging of the employees invested in the training.

With this global strategy, Audace offers much more than just digital training. It is no longer an imposed training course but a motivating learning process. Employees become engaged learners, ready to engage in training on their own.

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