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Safety in healthcare settings: communicating to better prevent

Companies face a variety of risks, whether permanent or temporary. These risks can affect employees, property, buildings, or confidential information. Discover how to train in occupational risk prevention with Digital Learning!

As part of its communication agency activities, Audace has been supporting the AHNAC Group, a major public health player in the Hauts-de-France region, for over 15 years. This group, consisting of 18 healthcare and medico-social establishments, has entrusted Audace with several awareness campaigns on adhering to good conduct practices, aimed at both healthcare professionals and patients.

Together against task interruptions

Unexpected interruptions (even brief ones) of healthcare staff during tasks are common. They can be caused by patients as well as colleagues. However, as emphasized by the Haute Autorité de Santé, frequent interruptions pose risks to patients. Their severity increases when they occur during medication administration.

“Task interruptions cause a disruption in the flow of activity, a disturbance in the operator’s concentration, and a decrease in the performance of the task. The completion of secondary activities further disrupts the proper execution of the initial task.”

The AHNAC Group decided to take action to combat unexpected interruptions. They implemented the use of a vest for healthcare staff during medication administration. This initiative is supported by a video produced by Audace to raise awareness among patients and healthcare personnel about the consequences of task interruptions and the importance of adhering to best practices when wearing the vest. This video, distributed internally and at reception, is a simple and effective way to visualize a few concrete cases and their consequences.

Poster campaign: “We only resort to physical contact when it’s necessary!”

While the National Observatory of Violence in Healthcare noted a decrease in reports in 2021 and 2020 compared to 2019 (amid a health crisis), it highlights that most reports concern physical violence against individuals. Conversely, verbal abuse and threats of physical harm are on the rise (16.5% in 2020 and 18.3% in 2021). To protect its employees from this issue, the AHNAC Group entrusted Audace with designing a poster campaign for patients. The message is striking: “We only resort to physical contact when it’s necessary.” The poster also reminds of the risks associated with physical or verbal abuse towards healthcare staff.

Did you know ?

Originally, in 1999, Audace was a global communications consulting agency. In 2001, its high-quality web achievements led to an approach from Arcelor-Mittal, a leader in steel production, to create an e-learning module. This encounter led Audace to develop its first digital learning activities, which have since become its main focus. However, having kept a foothold in communications, Audace has the advantage of supporting your training plans with motivating communications (trailers, posters, emailings, etc.).

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