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The weight of words – an art that transforms learning

In the world of digital learning, writing is not limited to transmitting information; it plays a key role in how learners interact with, understand and retain content. The quality of writing in digital learning has an impact on the accessibility, engagement, emotion and pleasure of learners and therefore on the effectiveness of the training.

“ What is well conceived is clearly stated, and the words to say it come easily ,” wrote Boileau. Clear and concise writing is essential for good understanding. According to the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, clear presentation of information improves learning. Breaking information into smaller units, a practice known as “chunking,” reduces cognitive load and makes it easier to understand. In addition, logical structuring with relevant (and impactful) titles guides learners, thus reinforcing the effectiveness of learning.

Dramatic, humorous or narrative, the use of a specific tone can also strongly influence learner engagement. Emotional learning theory suggests that positive emotions like curiosity or amusement improve motivation. Research in educational psychology supports this idea, indicating that emotions play an important role in information retention.

Likewise, a well-written text that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read increases learner enjoyment, transforming the learning experience into a more satisfying activity. According to self-determination theory, intrinsically positive experiences promote continued learning. Furthermore, the use of storytelling in elearning makes the content more captivating, helping to establish emotional connections and making abstract concepts more concrete.

Another potential approach : content personalization. By speaking directly to the learner or using examples close to their world, creates a feeling of personal connection. This approach builds engagement and improves information retention, as studies of personalized learning have shown.

Accessibility, emotion, pleasure, connection… elearning writing is an art that requires special attention. By working on it, one can create elearning content that is not only informative but also deeply engaging and memorable. Such an approach not only improves the learning experience but also contributes to better information retention and greater learner satisfaction.

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