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CHU Rouen – Serious Game “Emergency Management in EHPAD”

GHT Rouen Cœur de Seine aims to train healthcare professionals in emergency management in EHPADs (nursing homes) and the various care options available in healthcare facilities. The training must reflect real-world conditions and account for the specific characteristics of the region, while being as engaging as possible.

To address the specific needs of GHT Rouen Cœur de Seine, Audace is developing two training modules in the form of serious games. These training modules are designed for healthcare professionals working within the GHT Rouen Cœur de Seine.

Dispositif: 3D Guided Game for Patient Management in EHPAD

The module is described as a 3D guided game, following a step-by-step procedure for identifying signs of urgency. Learners navigate through a medical environment and patient rooms. He interacts with the personnel around him. A rest room has even been set up!

Scenario: You start a new day at the EHPAD, Résidence des 4 vents, and you visit Mrs. Fleutain, your patient who was tired when you left yesterday. Today she doesn’t feel well. It’s up to you ! What treatment, what examination should be done to ensure Ms. Fleutain’s condition? Be careful, a wrong diagnosis can worsen your patient’s condition!

Gameplay: Fun Learning in EHPAD

Learners move freely within virtual environments that accurately reflect real-life settings. They can also interact with patients and key figures involved in the care process. Of course, each of their decisions impacts the course of the game. This allows them to encounter situations requiring rapid and effective patient care, similar to those they will face in real life.

The navigation within the game is smooth, providing an immersive experience. Interactions occur through a user-friendly interface with intuitive icons, but players can also click on elements within the scene, such as characters, tools, or documents. Access to the patient file is integrated into quick-access icons, ensuring efficient management of medical information.

Pedagogical Objective of the Digital Training

This game aims to develop and enhance the skills of healthcare professionals, such as diagnostic abilities, decision-making, communication with patients in nursing homes, and management of medical resources. The proposed scenarios focus on realistic situations, allowing users to apply their theoretical knowledge and improve their understanding of medical protocols.

Strategic issues

The strategic value of this game lies in its ability to provide accessible, interactive, and engaging medical training. It helps bridge the gap between theory and practice by offering users a realistic virtual experience where they make decisions, observe the outcomes, and learn from their mistakes, all without putting real lives at risk.


Healthcare professionals of the GHT Rouen Coeur de Seine:

  • Care assistants,
  • Psychomotor therapists,
  • Nursing assistants,
  • Nurses,
  • Rehabilitation therapists
  • Healthcare managers


The serious game offers two learning modes:

  • A “training” mode with unlimited attempts to allow learners to practice and correct their errors,
  • An “evaluation” mode to measure the skills acquired. Here, the learner is only allowed one attempt and cannot start again in the event of an error. He obtains a note at the end of the situation played, a note which is transmitted to the trainer.

The training offers learners the opportunity to learn at their own pace and assess their acquired skills. Immersive and interactive, it provides a practical and realistic experience.

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