Ineris – VR Training for ATEX Risks

Explosive atmospheres (ATEX) represent a major risk in many industrial sectors where mixtures of flammable gases, vapors, or dust can cause explosions. Regulations require a thorough risk assessment and the use of appropriate equipment to prevent these dangers.

Specializing in the prevention of industrial and environmental risks, Ineris (National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) develops tools, training, and certifications that help industries comply with regulations and adopt safe practices. Ineris offers comprehensive ATEX training, including specialized modules on risk assessment (ATEX zoning) and equipment management.

The Ism-ATEX certification training, recognized in France and internationally, is the only certification course in this field. In 2019, an e-learning module was developed to make access to this training more flexible and modern.

In a bid for innovation and to strengthen its position as a leader, Ineris introduced a virtual reality simulator (developed by Audace) that includes two immersive scenarios. These scenarios provide realistic situations and allow for the application of essential safety measures.


Virtual reality simulator consisting of two scenarios:

  • The first scenario involves a technical intervention on an ATEX pump set and the preparation of work in a hazardous area. The learner is faced with a gas leak that they must stop as quickly as possible to avoid an explosion.
  • In the second scenario, the learner must perform first-level maintenance operations (inspection, cleaning, and replacement of parts) and recommission the pump. This scenario, which also takes place in an ATEX zone, includes gas measurements, validations or refusals, triggering the emergency alarm, etc.


Any person required to work in an ATEX zone.


Training to intervene in ATEX zones safely.

SNCF – Railway Risk Simulator

Movements and work performed within railway premises expose employees to risks and dangers defined as “railway risks.” These railway risks relate to the movement of a train, namely the risk of collision and the danger posed by the air pressure effect caused by the passage of a train.

In order to raise awareness among its employees about these dangers,  SNCF, through its  AR.VR Factory, entrusted Audace with the development of a VR application for simulating railway risks.


Equipped with a standalone VR headset, the learner is immersed near a railway track. Their mission: to cross the tracks between two passing trains in order to take a photo of an electrical equipment. To do this, they must move safely along the tracks and cross them after following precautionary rules. During the exercise, the learner faces the imminent arrival of trains traveling at 130 km/h (first in one direction, then the other) and risks being hit.

Rails, ballast, vegetation, overhead lines, train… The hyper-realistic simulation of the environment makes the experience more impactful and thus facilitates the memory retention of the learners. The sound and vibrations associated with the passage of trains (including the driver’s audible warning) have also been replicated. This evokes strong emotions in the learner (surprise effect, stress state…) and contributes to the memorization of good safety practices.

To enhance the user experience, the application is compatible with the standalone Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest 2 headsets. A voiceover has also been integrated into the system.


SNCF technicians.


Raising awareness among SNCF employees about railway risks near tracks in a rural environment.

ORANO – MANUT VR Simulator

The Manut VR application designed for Orano DS is a virtual reality training simulator dedicated to blocking, securing, and slinging loads related to handling activities in a nuclear environment.

In this virtual reality training, the operator must place packages of various shapes and capacities into containers while avoiding several pitfalls, such as incorrect sling labeling, improperly positioned or damaged slings or hooks, and more. In the event of non-compliance of the actions carried out, the learner can visualize the consequences of their choices (accidents, deterioration of equipment, etc.).


Handling technicians working on a nuclear site.


  • Allow first responders to access information relating to good practices to be implemented during interventions requiring bracing or securing loads or securing a lift;
  • Allow experienced people to reintegrate methodological developments.

Accompanied by a trainer, the learner can practice various scenarios such as:

  • Loading a scaffolding rack with blocking onto a rolling cart.
  • Loading and lifting a container
  • Loading vacuum cleaner and hose racks into a truck
  • Loading materials onto a flatbed trailer
  • Loading measuring boxes into a truck
  • Slinging

In order to allow immersion close to reality, the different 3D models, the character avatar as well as the environments are reproduced with a high level of realism.