Addons that make it easier to create immersive applications

In a world increasingly focused on augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR), developers are constantly looking for solutions to simplify and accelerate the creation of immersive applications. Photon Engine, with its Photon Fusion and Photon Unity networking (PUN) products, offers tools that facilitate XR development.

Photon Fusion: Optimization of Interactions in Real Time

Photo Fusion is designed to meet the specific requirements of XR applications by providing optimized management of real-time interactions with low latency. Which is vital for maintaining the immersion and fluidity of VR and AR experiences. By simplifying state synchronization, network physics management, and multiple input, Fusion allows developers to focus on creating high-quality content without worrying about technical networking aspects.

Concrete example: in the health field, a simulation can allow surgeons to practice complex procedures in cooperation with other surgeons connected remotely. They can interact with virtual instruments and modeled organs with real-time response, providing an innovative training and collaboration platform.

Photon PUN: integration with Unity for Multi-user Applications

Photon PUN is specifically tailored to Unity, one of the most popular development engines for AR and VR. The integration of PUN in development allows you to benefit from numerous software bricks or addons (complementary modules or extensions, which add additional functionalities to a main program) which facilitate the development of immersive multi-user applications.

Concrete perspectives for development in XR

The future of XR development with tools like those from Photon looks promising. By simplifying the complexity of networks, Photon makes it possible to embark on more ambitious XR projects. For example, creating virtual workspaces where interactions are as natural as in the real world.

These tools facilitate the creation of immersive applications, allowing businesses and educators to develop innovative solutions that not only improve operational and educational processes, but also pave the way for more immersive and engaging user experiences.

Language learning. A 2021 study found that immersion in a VR environment where learners practice the language in real-world contexts not only improves procedural memory but also builds confidence using the language in practical situations.

Military and aeronautical training. VR flight simulators have long been used to train pilots, allowing them to memorize flight procedures without the risks associated with flying a real plane.

Training in technical procedures and gestures. At Bridgestone, a virtual reality tire manufacturing training simulator, produced by Audace, is part of a blended learning course combining theoretical and practical content. Operators deepen their theoretical knowledge of different machine tools via e-learning; then, with this first training completed, they train in technical operations on the virtual twin. Finally, the learner can put their training into practice on a physical twin and practice the different operations by activating, in particular, their muscle memory.

This comprehensive training course made it possible to increase productivity as well as employee safety by reducing security incidents and non-quality problems by 30 to 50%. Furthermore, significant economies of scale have been achieved: the immobilization of material production resources required for training has been reduced by 80% and the immobilization of human resources by 90%.

Impact of immersive learning on procedural memory

Immersive learning, often achieved through technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), represents a revolution in education and professional training. Its impact on the development of procedural memory, which is the ability to remember how to perform certain tasks, is increasingly recognized. This article explores the benefits of immersive learning for procedural memory.

Definition and importance of procedural memory

Procedural memory is a subcategory of long-term memory that concerns the acquisition of motor and cognitive skills. It allows individuals to perform tasks without actively thinking about them, such as driving a car or playing a musical instrument. In an educational and professional context, developing this form of memory can significantly increase efficiency and performance.

Neurological foundations and mechanisms

VR and AR immerse users in interactive environments that intensely stimulate brain regions associated with procedural memory, such as the motor cortex and striatum. Neuroscience studies have used functional magnetic resonance imaging to show that these environments engage the brain in ways similar to real-world physical practice, strengthening motor and cognitive skills through task repetition in a controlled, realistic setting.

Practical applications and case studies

Research from Stanford University showed that surgeons trained via VR simulators performed 29% faster and made 37% fewer errors than those trained via traditional methods. La VR permet de simuler des opérations chirurgicales, offrant une répétition sans risque des procédures.

Language learning

A 2021 study found that immersion in a VR environment where learners practice the language in real-world contexts not only improves procedural memory but also builds confidence using the language in practical situations.

Military and aeronautical training

VR flight simulators have long been used to train pilots, allowing them to memorize flight procedures without the risks associated with flying a real plane.

Training in technical procedures and gestures

At Bridgestone, a virtual reality tire manufacturing training simulator produced by Audace is part of a blended learning course combining theoretical and practical content. Operators deepen their theoretical knowledge of different machine tools via e-learning; then, with this first training completed, they train in technical operations on the virtual twin. Finally, the learner can put their training into practice on a physical twin and practice the different operations by activating, in particular, their muscle memory.

This comprehensive training course made it possible to increase productivity as well as employee safety by reducing security incidents and non-quality problems by 30 to 50%. Furthermore, significant economies of scale have been achieved: the immobilization of material production resources required for training has been reduced by 80% and the immobilization of human resources by 90%.

Benefits and motivation

Beyond efficiency, immersive learning in VR is often more motivating for learners. A study from Ohio University found that student engagement was significantly higher during VR learning compared to traditional methods. Total immersion helps maintain concentration, reducing distractions and increasing information retention

Immersive learning is therefore a powerful tool for the development of procedural memory, providing more engaging, effective and safe learning methods. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that its use will become even more widespread, transforming traditional methods of education and job training.

Industry: 7 key skills mastered thanks to immersive training

In an environment where innovation and competitiveness are essential, rapid and effective training of your employees is a major asset. Immersive technologies offer a superior learning method to traditional techniques.
For nearly 25 years, Audace has been at the forefront of Immersive Learning, supporting big names in the industry in the deployment of innovative and efficient immersive solutions.

In this webinar organized in partnership with France Immersive Learning, Jérôme Poulain, Associate Director of Audace and Yann Leurent, VR Product Manager, will share in-depth insights on the specific skills that immersive training can strengthen in your employees.

You will also explore case studies showing how industrial leaders have optimized the performance of their teams using this technology.

Whether you are an HR professional, training manager or operations manager, this webinar is designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to transform training in your business and unlock the full potential of your employees.

Fill out this form to receive the webinar.